To set up an account, please fill out the following information. We will reply with a 4 digit Pin #, User ID and Password, telephone number to dictate, and instructions on using our service. Please call (800) 442-5993 if you have any questions.
Billing Information:
Billing Contact:
Company Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
City: State: Zip:
Telephone: Fax:
Contact Information:
Office Contact:
Telephone: Fax:
Quoted turn-around time:
Quoted line rate:
Payment Method: Credit Card Info: Please include expiry date and the name on the card.
Name: Card Type:
Expiry CC#
People who will be using the service:
This consists of Dictators (those who will be creating the voice for us to transcribe) and Web Users (those who will be downloading the transcribed documents from our website). Sometimes they can be one and the same. Please indicate which user will be downloading for which dictator. You can also set up a Master User who will have access to all of the Dictators' files.
Type of user Name E-mail